Failure to Launch.

I never liked Matthew McConaughey (I can’t believe I had to google how to spell his name hahaha – too many damn vowels) and I wasn’t a huge fan of SJP either (mostly because I just didn’t get Sex and the City), so I didn’t watch this film, even though I remember the poster vividly. What is it with me and posters. Haha.

So yeah I watched it. And then I was like hm. I suppose it’s because I’m Asian and many of us live with our parents until we’re much older (although I moved out as soon as I could haha). Also because accommodation is so expensive in HK, we just don’t move out in order to save money (although again, I moved out as soon as I hit the legal age haha why do I feel a need to reiterate this…)

But anyway. I suppose it’s an interesting meet cute, in a contrived sort of way. So yeah. It wasn’t terrible…. but I’m kinda glad I didn’t see it at the cinema. Haha.


I remember wanting to see this when it came out – I still remember seeing the posters everywhere. Can’t quite figure why I didn’t!

This is a pretty cute story. Orlando Bloom’s American accent is… passable, I guess, and Kirsten Dunst’s flight attendant arm gestures in the fire evacuation was awful, but otherwise, it was pretty cute. And I really, really want a road map like that one she made for him. Complete with music no less! So bloody awesome!

Anyway. Yeah. Cute. I liked it :D

The Flash – season two.

Wah! What a first episode!!

The premise of this second season is quite amazing – it opens the Flash world up to so much potential since there are multiple Earths and doppelgangers for everyone! As with season one, I found the big bad quite predictable – although the real Jay Garrick was a shock! – and again with the speedster needing speed, it seemed a bit similar. Still a fun show though, but sad that season three isn’t available on Netflix (yet)…. Hm.

The Royals.

Whoever the hell commissioned this should be shot.

It is so gossipy, and there is so much speculation and while yes The Crown was also mostly speculation, but it was done so much more tastefully. I felt like I was watching the E! News version of the royal family saga. Ugh.

It’s only six episodes but I didn’t finish it. I couldn’t even just let it run in the background. Not my cup of tea.

28 Days.

This film was quite unexpected haha. It showed up on a romcom list, and while it is funny, and there is a love story sort of, it isn’t quite a romantic comedy.

28 Days is about a rehab stint for our main girl (the always amazing Sandra Bullock), who crashes a car, drunk, because she had to go looking for a wedding cake, as she had fallen into the cake at her sister’s wedding. The judge packs her off to rehab (instead of jail), and we watch her journey from defensive, reluctant observer, to actually going through the system and coming out on the other side, a slightly better person, and more able to deal with life.

The good thing about the film, is that it’s not just a happy clappy kinda thing… but on the whole, it’s still just a superficial… well, it’s Hollywood. So yeah.

Unexpected is my verdict. Would I recommend it though… I’m not sure. I mean… there are so very many other movies and TV things to watch…. Haha.

The Flash – season one.

Barry Allen!

Okay, so The Arrow really put me off DC TV shows, but then everyone was raving about The Flash, so I thought okay fine, let’s see how this goes. And funnily enough I really enjoyed it. I think I like the mindless, brainless entertainment, I like the sunny disposition throughout the show (unlike the dark, brooding intensity that is Oliver Queen), and Grant Gustin is just so darned cute.

To be fair, the big bad of the series was totally predictable, and also I am not a fan of Iris West (although I might be the only person to think so – all the panels and interviews I watch, she’s apparently quite beloved…), but the show is interesting and the episodes are fun, and all in all, I think, it’s pretty cool.

On to season two.


So… a friend of mine – a male friend of mine, it should be noted – was telling me his favourite romantic comedies were ones with John Cusack, to which I was not sure how to respond. The only thing I remember seeing John Cusack in, is Con Air, which isn’t exactly a romcom…

Anyway. I was in Beijing recently, and said friend and I met up, and we decided to drink wine (he drank wine, I drank tea) and watch old movies… and who showed up on my Netflix browser but John Cusack.

In a way, I’m really not a fan of this film. It perpetuates the unicorn myth – at the end of the film, I turned to my friend and said, “No wonder you believe in unicorns.” On the other hand, it is a kinda sweet story… And Kate Beckinsale is bloody gorgeous.

Okay well. If anyone knows where I can find a copy of Grosse Pointe Blank, do let me know. Haha.

The Sum of All Fears.

I’m sorry, Ben Affleck, but Chris Pine’s Jack Ryan is so much better than yours. I suppose, though, it wasn’t your performance. It was the not-great script, the fact that with the exception of Morgan Freeman (who died around halfway into the movie) and the beautiful Bridget Moynahan who really could have been cut out of the film and it would not have made a difference, it was a movie made up completely of boring white men. And when the president has to make tough choices based on the limited info he has, it’s difficult to sympathise with him (unlike in Designated Survivor, where the complexities of every single decision makes every choice a hard one…)

But I suppose it’s unfair to compare a movie made in 2002 to those from this decade. But… I mean, The Matrix is a 1999 film and I still love it… so… yeah.

Not my favourite film.

Trevor Noah: Afraid of the Dark.

Seriously. Trevor Noah is my hero. Not only does he have a daily show on Comedy Central, he has also written a book, and he still does stand up, touring all over the United States and he travels home to South Africa every week or every other week… or something like that. I look at him, and I wonder what I am doing with my life. I also wonder whether or not he is actually human. He could well be machine. i mean seriously.

Anyway. Thanks to Netflix, I watched his stand up show in New York, and it was so on point, so well delivered, the man is not only a comic genius, but also does incredible imitations and fabulous accents.

If you haven’t seen it, please do so. Asap. In the meantime, I’m off to perfect my Russian accent :D

I heart Trevor Noah. A lot <3

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

So… I’ve never really been a fan of Matthew McConnaughey… So I never watched this film back when it came out. But thanks to Netflix, we get to watch the oldies sometimes.

As far as romcoms go, this one is pretty predictable. I mean, it’s funny, the premise is interesting enough (magazine writer forced to come up with a sellable story, so she writes about how to be the worst type of girlfriend ever). Except there is a twist (of course), in that the guy she has chosen to suffer through her being the worst ever girlfriend, has a bet going that he can stay in a relationship….

So yeah. Interesting enough premise, but as any romcom watcher can tell you, the story pans out exactly how you think the story will pan out.

Okay. Gotta go find some better romcoms to watch….