Crazy week, chill weekend

After a whole week of not getting home before 4am, I had the chillest weekend ever (so chill that I forgot to blog haha!). I was very late to lunch on Saturday, but after the lunch (and hanging with the girls until 7pm) I haven’t left the house since.

It’s been a restful day and a half… thinking about things that are to come… and procrastinating by playing Solitaire Blitz. Sigh.

Carpe diem. That’s what I need to do.


I have discovered that I always often say the wrong thing at work. (Actually, it’s always… but I’m trying not to proclaim negative things over myself these days. Bah.) In any case, I felt like such a fucking dumbass at work today. And I only worked for like 90 minutes. Fucking retard.

ANYWAY… After work, I went to The Baker’s house, and got my pie for tomorrow, and happily, she had some non-cupcakes (they looked like cupcakes but were not) that I devoured. Nothing like good food to make one feel better. And good conversations too. Thank God for The Baker.

HK Boy

Throughout the couple of years that I worked in film, most of the crew that I worked with were super good to me. I suppose the fact that I’m smiley and loud helps – they like to make me laugh when the bell has rung and filming is in progress… It’s fun to get me into trouble hahaha. In any case, Hong Kong Boy – one of the best gaffers in HK – really looked out for me in all situations. To the extent that during pre-production, when he wasn’t on the payroll yet, he would come down to the casting room (I hate casting) and help me set up the lights so that the casting videos wouldn’t completely look like shit.

I just found out HK Boy died of a heart attack. Life. So damn fragile. Hai. Rest in peace, man.


I keep refreshing the news sites and the football sites, hoping some good news about Muamba will come through. But no. Not yet.

Fabrice Muamba is the same age as my brother. He will be 24 this year. He plays for Bolton, and he plays for England. And tonight, he collapsed on the pitch during the match.

They think it was a heart attack. When they carried him off the pitch, he wasn’t breathing. The game was abandoned, and he was rushed to hospital.

I pray he pulls through. He’s too young to go…